
The new garden

We have moved into a new house in Sheffield, as Gemma is going back to university. Happily the house has a garden, a bit of a first for us. We did have one when we lived in a shared house, and one at Gemma's mum's, but I couldn't very well dig over the both of them for veggies. So the best we could do by the time I developed an interest in growing things myself was the odd pot. Unfortunately our last flat was totally not set up for even pot gardening and all I managed were some herbs, some spinach beet and a few potatoes.

Hopefully this time things will change though. I have a thin strip of grass currently which ends at a concrete bordered part with weeds growing through it. I think this is an access to the sewer which serves the shed. Yes, our shed was previously an outside toilet.

So we don't have a lot to work with, but to me it's a farm, and besides it will be nice to get into it with a smaller plot of land. No doubt I'll have it a little easier and won't be as disheartened as if I had to clear a massive allotment. Since it's autumn now, there won't be much point planting at this stage but I can use the winter months to get everything prepared for a mass planting session in spring.

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